Center for Research in Transplantation and Translational Immunology

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Center for Research in Transplantation and Translational Immunology

Selected publications

  • Anxiety and depression symptoms in relatives of moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury survivors - A multicentre cohort. 2023 Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. PMID 37054915
  • ​​​​Subclinical rejection-free diagnostic after kidney transplantation using blood gene expression  2023 Kidney Int. PMID 36990211
  • Patient-centric synthetic data generation, no reason to risk re-identification in biomedical data analysis 2023 NPJ Digit Med. PMID 36899082
  • Immune Profiling Reveals the T-Cell Effect of Ocrelizumab in Early Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. 2023 Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. PMID 36810163
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Events calendar

Progreffe - Make a donation

You too can help advance research in organ transplantation and immunology. Make a donation to Progreffe Fondation that will be used to fund the work of researchers at the CR2TI and the ITUN at the University Hospital of Nantes. Donate


Team6_Nature Medicine

Respiratory microbial dysbiosis is associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) in critically ill patients. Read the results of the validated robust respiratory microbiome signatures associated with ARDS and HAP, published in Nature Med. Such signatures may help to identify promising targets for microbiome therapeutic modulation in critically ill patient. PMID: 37957375

Team6_Intensive care med

Whether interferon gamma-1b prevents hospital-acquired pneumonia in mechanically ventilated patients ? Read the results from the randomized clinical trial published in Intensive care med

NEMO_Team - Brain Communications

Nicot A. et al. identified the e1 sequence of KIR4.1 as an autoantigen of interest in selected group of patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. Congratulations to the NEMO_Team of the CR2TI for their paper in Brain Communications.

O'Tablo - le CR2TI à l'honneur

Découverte d'une signature spécifique du microbiote oral dans la sclérose en plaques Conçu par Léo Boussamet (doctorant), Laureline Berthelot (chercheure) et Arnaud Nicot (chercheur) et dessinée à la craie avec Pierre-Olivier Bertho, Emilie Dugast, Alexandra Garcia, Emeline Gauthier, Louise Le Gal et Sita Shah

BioMAdvanced Diagnostics : a new spin-off !

BioMAdvanced Diagnostics created by Dr S brouard and Dr R Danger, a new spinn off from the CR2TI

  • Le CR2TI à la nuit blanche des chercheurs

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Mis à jour le 19 February 2024.